Chloe’s Review of: The Webs We Weave by Shade Owens

Book Review: The Webs We Weave by Shade Owens  

Rating: 3/5

The Webs We Weave by Shade Owens is a psychological thriller that promises to keep you on the edge of your seat, but for me, it ultimately felt a bit too predictable. While the writing style is engaging and skillfully crafted, the story didn't quite live up to its full potential

The Premise:

The novel follows a group of characters whose lives are intricately intertwined, with a central theme around secrets, manipulation, and betrayal. Owens sets up an atmosphere of tension and suspense, with each character hiding something that could unravel their carefully constructed lives. The promise of a thrilling plot filled with twists and turns was certainly there, but unfortunately, the twists felt a bit too familiar.

 What Worked:

One of the standout features of *The Webs We Weave* is Shade Owens' writing style. The narrative flows smoothly, with vivid descriptions and well-drawn characters. Owens does a great job creating an immersive world, and the prose is sharp and evocative, drawing readers into the emotional complexity of the characters. There were moments of tension and suspense that were undeniably effective, and I found myself intrigued by the way Owens explored themes of deception and trust.

The character development is solid as well. While I didn’t feel deeply invested in every character, there were enough layers to make them interesting. Each one feels real in their flaws, which adds depth to the story, especially as the layers of deception slowly peel away.

 What Didn't Work:

Unfortunately, the plot itself didn’t live up to the expectations set by the writing. As a thriller, *The Webs We Weave* seemed to follow a fairly predictable trajectory. Early on, I found myself able to guess where the story was heading, and the "twists" that were meant to shock me didn’t land with the impact I was hoping for. For anyone who enjoys a story filled with surprise and suspense, this one may feel a bit too safe.

The pacing also felt uneven at times. Some sections of the book dragged, with too much focus on character introspection rather than moving the plot forward. While the psychological depth of the characters is a strength, there were moments when I wished the story would push forward more quickly.


Overall, *The Webs We Weave* is a well-written psychological thriller with an intriguing premise, but it falls short in terms of surprise and suspense. The writing is definitely the highlight of the book, but the predictability of the plot kept it from being a truly memorable read. If you're looking for a quick, character-driven story that explores the complexities of trust and betrayal, it may still be worth picking up. However, for those who crave a more twisty, unpredictable thriller, you might find this one a bit too safe.

Rating: 3/5

Not a bad read, but not as thrilling as it could have been.


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